Design and Validation of a New Technology for Home-Based Screening of Sleep Apnea Syndrome.

J.-B. Martinot, N. Le-Dong, C. Letesson, V. Cuthbert, D. Gozal, J.-L. Pepin. Introduction: To facilitate a more streamlined diagnostic approach of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), wevalidated an artificial intelligence (AI) based diagnostic platform (Sunrise, Namur, Belgium), by combining single channel recordings of sleep mandibular movements (MM) with self-reported symptoms, co-morbidities and anthropometry. Materials and …

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The Polyvalent Role of Mandibular Movement Signal in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Detection and Evaluation.

N. Le-Dong, J.-B. Martinot, C. Letesson, J.-L. Pepin. Rationale: The main polysomnography (PSG) indices during obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS),including obstructive respiratory effort (RE) and arousals are closely reflected by specific patterns of verticalmandibular movement (MM) signal. However the potential of MM signal has never been fully explored.Objective and method: We used a new MM …

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Mandibular Movement Monitoring with Artificial Intelligence Analysis for the Diagnosis of Sleep Bruxism.

J.-B. Martinot, N. Le-Dong, V. Cuthbert, S. Denison, D. Gozal, J.-L. Pepin. Sleep bruxism (BXM) is the result of rhythmic muscular masticatory activity (RMMA) and can be captured by masseters surface electromyography (sEMG). Despite the multiple adverse negative consequences of BXM, a simple reliable home diagnostic device is currently unavailable, with in laboratory audio-video polysomnography …

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Automated sleep apnea diagnosis through mandibular movement monitoring coupled with machine learning analysis

Pépin, J. L., Letesson, C., Le-Dong, N.N., Dedave, A., Denison, S., Cuthbert, V., Martinot, J., Gozal, D. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects almost 1 billion people worldwide, resulting in high socioeconomic and health care burden. Excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue, the chief problems reported by patients with OSA, may have negative consequences on neurocognitive function, …

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Bruxism Relieved Under CPAP Treatment in a Patient With OSA Syndrome

Martinot, J. B., Borel, J. C., Le-Dong, N. N., Silkoff, P. E., Denison, S., Gozal, D., Pépin, J. L. Bruxism is a heterogeneous condition related to various underlying mechanisms, including the presence of OSA. This case report illustrates that sleep mandibular movement monitoring and analysis could provide a useful opportunity for detection of both sleep bruxism and respiratory …

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