Using Sunrise
Learn more about Sunrise, how to use the test and what your results indicate.
What is Sunrise ?
Sunrise is a single use 3-gram sensor delivering results that can be used as soon as you wake up, and allowing a connection with sleep specialists for a 100% customised medical care, directly from your home!

Sunrise is a clinically tested and certified medical technology.

A small single use 3 gram sensor sits on your chin for only one night.

No wires, No waiting rooms - Just download the app and sleep comfortably in your own bed.

Results appear on your phone in the morning and can be emailed to your doctor.
How to use the Sunrise test?

01. Download the Sunrise.Sleep app.
Click the links below to download the Sunrise.Sleep app for Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

02. Create a Sunrise account and login.
After you open the app, follow the steps to set up your account and answer the sleep questionnaire.

03. Pair your sensor and sleep comfortably.
Right before bed, follow the app to pair your sensor and stick it on your chin optionally using the extra adhesive.
What do your results indicate?
Your results are presented to you the next morning in the Night results tab of the app. You can view your results and easily share it with your practitioner by email.
Our scientific publications
Design and Validation of a New Technology for Home-Based Screening of Sleep Apnea Syndrome.
J.-B. Martinot, N. Le-Dong, C. Letesson, V. Cuthbert, D. Gozal, J.-L. Pepin.Introduction: To facilitate a more streamlined diagnostic approach of …
The Polyvalent Role of Mandibular Movement Signal in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Detection and Evaluation.
N. Le-Dong, J.-B. Martinot, C. Letesson, J.-L. Pepin. Rationale: The main polysomnography (PSG) indices during obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS),including …
Mandibular Movement Monitoring with Artificial Intelligence Analysis for the Diagnosis of Sleep Bruxism.
J.-B. Martinot, N. Le-Dong, V. Cuthbert, S. Denison, D. Gozal, J.-L. Pepin. Sleep bruxism (BXM) is the result of rhythmic …
Automated sleep apnea diagnosis through mandibular movement monitoring coupled with machine learning analysis
Pépin, J. L., Letesson, C., Le-Dong, N.N., Dedave, A., Denison, S., Cuthbert, V., Martinot, J., Gozal, D. Obstructive sleep apnea …
Bruxism Relieved Under CPAP Treatment in a Patient With OSA Syndrome
Martinot, J. B., Borel, J. C., Le-Dong, N. N., Silkoff, P. E., Denison, S., Gozal, D., Pépin, J. L. Bruxism is …